Laptop Loan Agreement Laptop Loan Agreement This device and all of its components are all property of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region (BBBSWR), and are provided to the employees to facilitate work and communications both on and off-site. In receiving the device, the employee understands that that they are expected to use it for work purposes only, and that the responsibility falls on them to care for the equipment and ensure it is maintained in a safe environment. The use of the assigned equipment is subject to the conditions listed below: The employee understands that the device they are being issued is a tool to facilitate BBBSWR’s work. This device should not be used for personal. The use of email and internet browsing are primarily for organization business use. Limited, occasional use of internet including social media and email for personal, non-business purposes is understandable and acceptable. However, employees need to demonstrate a sense of responsibility and may not abuse this privilege. The employee may not install programs or personal software on a company device. Any requirements for additional software or hardware must be communicated to a supervisor. Employees are not allowed to sign devices out of the office unless it is for work purposes. The device may not be loaned to friends or family members. Signed out devices must remain in the possession of the employee at all times. Cases of damages, loss, or theft must be reported as soon as possible to BBBSWR in order to arrange for the necessary repairs and replacements. The employee is responsible for the equipment issued to them and must care for it in such a manner as to prevent loss or damage. In the event of any damages to the device due to misuse or neglect, the employee understands that they will be held responsible for the damages. The employee will not be held responsible for any damages that occur as a result of using the device in the intended manner. If an employee resigns or is absent on vacation for more than 2 days, any laptops signed out by that employee must be returned to the office. The employee agrees that BBBSWR files and documents are of a confidential nature and will ensure that all efforts are made to securely store files on the BBBSWR server. When an employee walks away from their computer every effort should be made to lock or minimize screens displaying sensitive and/or confidential information. The device is not to be left unattended after office hours, weekends, holidays, etc. It is also not to be left unattended in a public area. When transported, it must be stored in its case to prevent damage and placed out of sight. In addition to the aforementioned conditions, the employee understands that Big Brother Big Sisters reserves the right to monitor and review an employee’s use of any of their technology resources. This included all stored information, as well as the content of all incoming and outgoing information. In signing below, the employee acknowledges the above terms and conditions and agrees to abide by them.Your Name First Last Supervisor Sign Off First Last Date MM slash DD slash YYYY PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Facebook Twitter Google+ LinkedIn