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Step 1 of 5

Volunteer Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
As a mentor, you play a very important role in a young person’s life. Together, we’ll ensure you’re part of a strong, safe, healthy, and enjoyable match.
Please complete this questionnaire so we can be sure to provide you the best support for your mentoring relationship. Thank you! We appreciate your time.


a. This section assesses your knowledge of the following Key Messages
i. You're committing to regular match meetings for a significant period of time.
ii. The essential members of the match are you, your mentee, their parent/guardian, program staff, and, for some site-based programs, the school liaison.
iii. Matches have a beginning, middle, and end: each stage is equally important.
b. A Quick Review

What do you think?

1. It’s ok to occasionally cancel planned activities as long as I let my mentee know.*
2. A big goal of a match is to have fun and laugh together.*
3. I only meet with program staff when things are not going well.*
4. As a mentor, it is my role to change my mentee’s life for the better.*
5. My mentee’s parents/guardians will probably not be very involved in the match.*
6. Shared decision-making is something to strive for.*
7. I need to manage my own expectations of my mentee and our match.*
8. It’s ok to have my mentee bring friends or siblings when we get together.*
9. I should see my mentee as often as I like.*
10. Mentees join the program only if they want to have a mentor.*
11. Early match closure can do harm to my mentee.*
12. I’ll probably get a lot of positive feedback from my mentee.*