Big Sisters
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with our organization. Due to the overwhelming interest and our commitment to providing meaningful opportunities, we are temporarily pausing new volunteer enrollment as we work to accommodate all current applicants.
If you’d like to be notified when enrollment reopens, please let us know, and we’ll ensure you stay updated. You can email your contact information to We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

“My Big Sister teaches me so much, I feel like she really helps me to believe in myself.”
— Little Sister

“We have a lot of fun, she gets to pick activities that she normally wouldn’t be able to do or have somebody to do them with, and I can see that makes her so happy.”
— Big Sister

“She is happier and friendlier at home, maturing and becoming the kid I knew was in there.”
— Parent of a Little Sister
Step 1: General Information
Big Sister Mentoring matches children and youth with an adult Mentor to hangout, connect and talk with throughout the year. The goal is for children and youth to become empowered to live their potential.
Volunteer Commitment: 2 visits/month for a minimum of 1 year
You are matched with a child between the ages of 6-16 based on common interests, personality, hobbies and location. Together you spend time at home or in the community enjoying fun activities. With the child’s Guardian you determine your own schedule.
Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the Mentor and the child, built on trust and common interests, and is supported by our experienced Program Coordinators. The result is a life-changing experience for both the volunteer Mentor and Little Sister.
Our volunteers are caring adults, with various skill sets and a range of experience working with children. Volunteers are extensively screened, receive training regarding child safety, and are supported through monthly contact with Program Coordinators.
The Big Sisters Program strives to:
- Provide a role model and a friend for girls and young women.
- Promote the importance of staying in school and healthy relationships with family and peers.
- Instill trust and self-confidence in order to make healthy decisions.
- Encourage leadership skills and independent thinking.
- And above all, make a difference while having fun.
Change a young girl’s life today apply now. Imagine who they will become because of you!
Step 2: Requirements
To become a Big Sister mentor, you must be:
- Age 18 or older, and self identify as female
- Live, work or reside in Waterloo region
- Able to commit to spending 2 visits per month with your Little Sister for a minimum of 1 year
- Have access to a vehicle
- Have evening/weekend availability
- Interested in developing a positive friendship with a youth aged 6-16
Step 3: How it Works

I’m Alicia
Your Program Coordinator
I’m here to help you get started!
Application Form
Please complete the online application form. You will be contacted by a Program Coordinator within 5-7 business days regarding next steps.

Email Confirmation
We will send an email to confirm we’ve received your application along with a police check letter and your orientation manual.

Developmental Relationships & Pre-Match Training
We will send you an email with a link to book yourself into group training. Materials including a short Primer Video will be attached in the email. Training is mandatory and must be completed prior to matching in an agency program.

Police Check & References
Police Checks must be returned to our office and references must be completed before an interview can be scheduled.

An agency Program Coordinator will contact you to book a time to complete the Interview and Pre-Match Training.

If you are accepted as a volunteer, you will receive confirmation from an agency Program Coordinator with information on next steps.
Step 4: Apply Now!
Thank you for wanting to volunteer your time to youth in need of a Mentor. We look forward to meeting you and working together to ensure that all youth have the chance to reach their potential.
Application Instructions:
- Please do not exit out of this browser, otherwise you will lose all your work.
- Once complete, hit submit and we’ll send you a confirmation email with next steps.
- Questions? Call 519-745-0180 ext. 222 or email
- As part of the application process, we require 3 references over the age of 18. Please ensure that you have informed your references that we will be contacting them and encourage them to check their email (including junk mail folder) for the reference email.
- Please read the full reference instructions on the application to ensure the right contact is provided. Note, a vulnerable sector reference must be someone you’ve reported to and cannot be a family member.