Go Girls!

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds!

Go Girls 2018

“I’ve ran 3 Go Girls groups now and in every one, by the end, the girls all become a genuine group of friends.”

— Go Girls! Volunteer

Go Girls 2017

“You can really see their growth and the progress in their self-esteem as they open up throughout the program.”

— Go Girls! Volunteer

Go Girls 2016

“The student in my class brightens every time she goes to her Go Girls! group. It allows her a safe place to share her feelings and concerns”.

— Teacher of a Go Girls! Little

Step 1: General Information

Go Girls! group programs are designed for girls ages 11-14 and provides them with information to help make informed choices about healthy, active living. The goal of the program is to help participants develop self-esteem, healthy eating habits and be physically active.

Volunteer Commitment: 2 hours/week | 7 weeks

You will lead a group of 8-12 students alongside another volunteer. Each session takes place on school property during the school day and focuses on promoting healthy living. Program manuals and training are provided.

Through regular outings, a relationship is developed between the Mentors and the children, built on trust and common interests, and is supported by our experienced Program Coordinators. The result is a life-changing experience for both the volunteer Mentors and  children.

Our volunteers are caring adults, with various skill sets and a range of experience working with children. Volunteers are extensively screened, receive training regarding child safety, and are supported through consistent contact with Program Coordinators.

The Go Girls! Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds! Program strives to:

  • create appreciation for the benefits of an active, healthy lifestyle
  • build understanding of what constitutes healthy eating habits and the risks associated with eating disorders
  • promote the importance of positive mental activity and regular physical exercise
  • encourage awareness of core values, personal interests, strengths and attributes
  • support the development of leadership and life skills
  • offer guidance in establishing and maintaining friendships
  • allow girls to develop the means to effectively deal with societal and peer pressures
  • give girls the opportunity to practice healthy living behaviours

Change a young girl’s life today apply now. Imagine who they will become because if you!

Step 2: Requirements

To become a Go Girls! Mentor, you must be:

  • Age 18 or older, and self identify as Female
  • Live, work or reside in Waterloo region
  • Able to commit to 2 hours per week for 7 weeks
  • Have weekday daytime availability
  • Interested in developing a positive friendship with youth aged 12-14

Step 3: How it Works


I’m Alicia

Your Program Coordinator

I’m here to help you get started!

Application Form

Please complete the online application form. You will be contacted by a Program Coordinator within 5-7 business days regarding next steps.

Email Confirmation

We will send an email to confirm we’ve received your application along with a police check letter and your orientation manual.

Police Check & References

Police Checks must be returned to our office and references must be completed before an interview can be scheduled.


An agency Program Coordinator will contact you to book a time to complete the Interview and Pre-Match Training.


If you are accepted as a volunteer, you will receive confirmation from an agency Program Coordinator with information on next steps.

Step 4: Apply Now!

Thank you for wanting to volunteer your time to youth in need of a Mentor. We look forward to meeting you and working together to ensure that all youth have the chance to reach their potential.

Application Instructions:

Any applications received after March 2024 will not be matched in the program until September 2024/2025 school year.

  1. Please do not exit out of this browser, otherwise you will lose all your work.
  2. Once complete, hit submit and we’ll send you a confirmation email with next steps.
  3. Questions? Call 519-745-0180 ext. 222 or email info@bbbswr.org
  4. As part of the application process, we require 3 references over the age of 18. Please ensure that you have informed your references that we will be contacting them and encourage them to check their email (including junk mail folder) for the reference email.
  5. Please read the full reference instructions on the application to ensure the right contact is provided. Note, a vulnerable sector reference must be someone you’ve reported to and cannot be a family member.
Let’s start your application!

"*" indicates required fields

Do you have access to a car?
What is your availability?
How much time can you commit?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Our Programs