Meet Thomas: Our Mentor of the Month


We are thrilled to spotlight one of our mentors, Thomas! Thomas moved to Waterloo as a student attending the University of Waterloo and has been a proud community member ever since. When he’s not working as an accountant for a local non-profit, Thomas can be found spending quality time with his two children, indulging in his passions as a “dance dad,” cheering on his favorite baseball teams, or grilling up a storm in his backyard.

Thomas’s connection to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Waterloo Region (BBBSWR) dates back to his childhood, where he witnessed a friend benefit from having a Big Brother. Inspired by this, he began his own journey with us in early 2019, starting with the Game On program. Although the shift to online formats during the pandemic brought its own set of challenges, Thomas adapted and has since been actively involved with the Big Bunch program.

His motivation to volunteer stemmed from a desire to get more physically active and explore new experiences while giving back to the community. For Thomas, mentoring is about being a positive role model—engaging with mentees, listening, encouraging, and providing a safe space where they can truly be themselves.

Thomas’s extensive volunteering history includes assisting at the hospital in high school, working at a local historical site, participating in an adult reading program, and contributing to Block Parents. His current involvement with BBBSWR continues this tradition of service, reflecting his belief that volunteering helps broaden one’s perspective and connect with the community on a deeper level.

An average day with his mentees is anything but predictable. Whether it’s a lively dodgeball game, building a Lego robot, or a fun round of charades, Thomas embraces the spontaneity and joy that each session brings. His favorite aspect of volunteering is the opportunity to engage with kids at their level, enjoy fun activities together, and experience those small but significant moments of connection and growth.

One of Thomas’s cherished memories is from his early days with the Game On program. Despite the initial challenges of working with a group of energetic fifth graders, the heartfelt reactions and gratitude from the children on the final day underscored the positive impact of his efforts.

Thomas acknowledges that the influence of a mentor might not always be immediately visible, but he believes that simply being present, offering encouragement, and providing new perspectives can make a meaningful difference. He’s also found that volunteering has honed his ability to command attention with his “Dad voice,” a skill that proves invaluable when managing a group of excited kids.

For those contemplating volunteering, Thomas advises embracing the chaos and unpredictability that often comes with the role. Get actively involved, even if it’s outside your comfort zone, and be open to the unexpected moments that can turn into powerful experiences. The rewards, though sometimes subtle, are well worth the effort.

Thank you, Thomas, for your incredible dedication and for making a significant impact in the lives of our youth. Your commitment to mentorship is truly inspiring, and we are grateful to have you as part of the BBBSWR family